I’ve been neglecting this thing -again

Yea, it’s been a few days. Shit happens.

This story is great. Some unknown person has placed a Donald J Trump tombstone in Central Park.


Direct c&p from the story on Freak Out Nation

A tombstone appeared in Central Park with Donald Trump’s name in capital letters, along with the words “Make American Hate Again.”

The headstone, which was spotted and photographed by multiple social media users Sunday afternoon and posted on the site Instagram.

The tombstone mysteriously appeared near Sheep’s Meadow overnight, but has reportedly been taken down, according to ABC 7.

The Daily News reports:

The stone, which was also inscribed with a large cross and flower-like designs, listed Trump’s birth year, 1946, but excluded a death year, leaving the bombastic billionaire’s demise open to interpretation….

Despite its apparent removal, park-goers appeared to enjoy the concept behind the slick headstone.

Trump isn’t very well liked in his home state, is he? We’re thinking this is another good reason for ‘gun free zones’ at venues which host the National Rifle Association’s conventions and the RNC’s. And at schools and colleges, too. It’s a shame Conservatives don’t see the hypocrisy though.

Last September as a crowd in New York City waited to catch a glimpse of the Pope, Trump appeared on the balcony of his Fifth Avenue headquarters’ balcony. As he waved, the crowd booed.  Trump went back inside. Upon returning to the balcony, the largely Hispanic crowd waiting to see the beloved Pope chanted “Feo! Feo!” —which in Spanish means “ugly.”

We’re wondering how the faux undertakers created, then erected the tombstone in Central Park without anyone noticing. Or perhaps, no one cared about the ‘Feo’ candidate’s demise:(

This is the strangest campaign season ever.

In  other news, #TrumpIsHitler is trending on Twitter.

Have a good week, anyone reading this.
-blu v1.0


Author: blu v1.0

Internet activist. Political junkie.

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